Saturday, January 2, 2016

what i am up to

i have been reading zenhabits and theminimalists for quite some time and have learned a lot about how to live life and focus on what's important. i have learned to be okay with getting rid of things and do it on a some what irregular basis. i have challenged myself to move into smaller spaces from my one bedroom to a shared apartment to now a studio. i wanted to learn about all the things that i have and pare down even further. i thought moving would help though i didn't quite do the job. my habits have yet to reflect my desire to have less. so i am going with a strategy suggested from theminimalist. i am going to play...

the 30 days of minimalism game!

their idea was to start with 1 thing then every subsequent day you would get rid of one more thing. For example on day 14, you would get rid of 14 things. By day 30, you will be getting rid of 30 things!

my idea is to similar though i am going to flip the game around. i am going to start with getting rid of 30 things and go down to 1 on the 30th day. i calculated this and it's a total of 465 things! 

on this blog, i intend to post pictures each day of all the things i am getting rid, where i am donating it and for some things it will be harder than others. this will be an incredible way to learn. i will start defining some "rules" of brittany's game and where i intend to bring things.

well here i go!